Please note: sales are currently on pause.

I have a new screenprinting table.

The past couple weeks, I've put together a screenprinting table that's two feet wider and double the length of my first screenprinting table, which I built with my dad.  Our pressboard-on-sawhorses did the trick for a while, but as I ramp up production, a larger printing surface speeds up the process by a lot.  

I ordered this table from a supplier in LA that sells equipment for the garment industry. Putting the thing together was a bit of a chore, but I now feel like I've got the tools to make Silvania grow out of hobby-status and into a business that will, with any luck, support me.  I may even be able to move the operation out of my basement this year.  

This table, though.  It's going to be a beast to move.

Building the screenprinting table.Building the screenprinting table.Screen and squeegee.Screenprinting table.Screenprinting table.

1 comment

  • Paola Gutierrez

    Hi Georgia,

    I really enjoyed this post, one can really appreciate the beauty in your process.

    I stumbled into your page while precisely searching for providers of screen printing tables for yardage, would you be so kind of sharing the name/info of the company based in LA you got yours from? I am located on the East Coas in USA, so it could be a good match for my needs.

    Thank you in advance for your help!

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